Saturday, May 5, 2012

First Post!

Hey guys, Kevin here!
I'm mostly just testing out the main features of this blog at the moment. I haven't exactly decided what ratio of Finca-related stuff to everything else I'm going to post for the time being. I'd imagine once I get down there, I'll hardly have enough time to post about Finca, much less about everything else, so it'll probably become more focused over time.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this blog! I'm really excited about what I'm going to be doing for the next few years, and I'm delighted that you were interested enough in it to share that experience with me.
My apologies for having very little of substance to say right now. I'm currently in the middle of study days for the last finals week of my college career. That's a very terrifying prospect in some respects. In others, I suppose ND has done a halfway decent job of making me realize that this was all temporary in the first place, and that my real place in life is out in the world, trying to have a positive impact on others in society.
There's also a weird dynamic going on with respect to the old and the new, here. I'm having to balance my time between studying for my finals (oh, Philosophical Issues in Physics, why do you torment me?) and fundraising for the Finca. Unfortunately the former is very much winning right now. That's not a spectacularly positive thing for my fundraising efforts. I only have a limited amount of time left on the ND campus. I should be using most of it wisely. I'll just have to make that happen on Wednesday of finals week, when I'm done with all but one of my finals.

Anyway, for now, I'd better head out. I've got a lovely bunch of philosophical issues within quantum mechanics to make sure I understand.

- Kevin

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