Saturday, September 21, 2013

Greetings Finca Follower!


I'm doing well. Please don't think my lack of posts means otherwise! I do care about you, the reader, even if my relatively weak list of authored works up to this point in my Finca career might indicate otherwise. Rest assured that such an indication is far from my intention.
The main reason for my silence is, well, I haven't been to the internet for a while. That's perhaps the first level of reasoning. Perhaps the second might be that I've been very busy recently and haven't had much time to make it to the internet, but that seems to be asking you to ask me a question. So go ahead, if you'd like, and ask me why I'm so busy!

I'll just wait here.


  1. Well thank you, kind sister, for taking the bait! I had actually intended to give a response immediately afterwards but the power went out and I quickly forgot.

    I didn't have time because I was starting my new job as Missionary Coordinator... but that's all said and done a while ago by now. I'm still working at that new job, but I'm now 2.5 months in so it isn't quite as new.

    I apologize for such a boring response =P
